Camp Quaker Haven

...providing the most dynamic setting for creative Christian camp programming


Camp Quaker Haven not only provides scenic beauty, but several facilities for your use to make your experience even better.

Chapel building and basketball courts
  • Dining Hall: Cafeteria Style dining with seating for up to 100 at a time. Also outdoor picnic areas for more seating.
  • Chapel: Seating for 200 with large stage area and sound system with heating and air-conditioning
  • Cabins: 8 boys cabins and 8 girls cabins capable of sleeping 14 or more people each. A bathhouse is also available on the boys and girls side.
  • Workers Cabin: Cabins for staff, directors, program personnel. Cabins are heated and air-conditioned as well.
  • Speakers Cabin: Small cabin for private quarters
  • Nurses Cabin: Fully equipped nurses cabin for medical attention and treatment. Also contains sleeping quarters with shower.
  • Large Shelter: Area for activities that can hold the whole camp in rain or shine.


Playing games at the dining hall
  • Pool: large pool and bathhouse
  • Giant Slide: the famous 'Camp Slide' is 3 lanes of speed and fun
  • Basketball: 2 courts with adjustable goals
  • Carpet Ball: a Camp Quaker Haven original
  • Sand Volleyball: not only a new Olympic sport, but great fun at camp as well
  • Archery Range and Equipment: take your shot at a 'bulls eye'
  • Frisbee Golf: a challenging 18 hole Frisbee Golf course
  • Sport Fields: lots of space to spread out for softball, football or soccer.
  • Low Ropes: Several low ropes items on the camp.

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Contact Us

Camp Quaker Haven
8438 312th Rd
Arkansas City, KS 67005